Email & Collaboration

Email and Collaboration Solution


Enterprise class Opensource E-mail Solution, with calendar and collaborative features. Offers the most innovative messaging experience available today through a redesigned browser-based interface, connecting end-users to information and activity in their own cloud.

Smarter mailbox that integrates email, business tasks, address book, calendar, files, and enterprising applications connected users to their personal Clouds.

Stay linked on any IMAP / POP, CalDAV and CarDAV on any smartphone or other device.

Integrate into external authentication directories, address lists.

IMAP, CalDAV and CarDAV synchronizations to iOS (iPhone, iPad), smart phones and tablets based on Windows & Android.

Why OpenEmail


You can control the security of the e-mail, check the transaction log and have all the personal data in your own hard disk. No other company can view all messages ‘ content.


All tolls used in OpenEmail are OpenSource software. You get bug fixes and updates from the Linux / BSD venders that you trust from all parts used in OpenEmail. OpenEmail is the correct way for open-source software to construct your mail server.


End-Users are being forced into secure connections with mail services (POP3/IMAP / SMTP over TLS and HTTPS webmail). If possible, TLS encrypts emails in transit. The SSHA512 or BCRYPT (BSD) password will be stored.


Manage emails, folders, filters, holidays straight with a web interface (Webmail or / and SOGo groupware). Managing mails, folders or groupware.


Manage your Calendar (CalDAV), CardDAV, Web-based or mobile device tasks (iOS, Android, BlackBerry 10, Windows Phone). * SOGo Groupware is offered by CalDAV, CardDAV and ActiveSync.

Unlimited Accounts

You can set as many mail accounts (domains, customers, mailing lists, admers) as you like, forget about products based on numerous mailboxes.

Web admin panel

Administer the web administrator for your mail accounts. OpenEmail delivers a web admin panel with its tools which is free and simple to use.

Professional Tech Support

We back you up with fast and professional tech support with Managed Support Services.

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