Application Performance Monitoring

Application Performance Monitoring

Speed is everything in today’s digital economy. Particularly when it is sluggish, it will have a direct adverse impact on business profitability, income and even brand itself, especially in applications and web sites that end users’ access.

Performance challenges cause IT teams’ sleepless nights and impact significant business growth which create profitability obstacles for an organization.

APM plays key role in proactive monitoring and sending a performance alert based on the defined threshold levels and ensures the business continuity and preventing a business loss.

Why APM?

  • Proactive monitoring of performance issues and fixing them before it occurs
  • Proactive Alerts if Application is not responding as per response matrix
  • Monitor Backend processes are executed properly
  • Minimise the turnaround time to fix performance bottlenecks
  • Brand protection and preventing of business loss

Why Nixsoft?

  • Specialise Team with in-depth knowledge on various APM tools
  • 24/7/365 NOC support from Nixsoft Location
  • Predictive analysis and benchmarking
  • Customised Dashboards as per the requirement
  • Distinct Technical Account Manager (TAM) for each Customer
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