Database Management Service

Database Management Service

Nixsoft Offers DB Managed Services to provide you overall Database management and maintenance stack. Now, while we provide a stable and scalable Database Infrastructure, your internal IT team can focus on applications that drive your business. Our team proactively tracks and maintains databases that are easy to complex, and works with you to adjust and optimize them.

It can be a tedious and struggle to handle mission- critical systems often consuming your time and critical in-house resources. But it’s not meant to be.

You get 24X7 access to our elite teams of DBAs, architects, and engineers with managed services database, to handle the day-to-day operational management of your systems on-site or in the cloud. The committed and world class dispersed teams ensure that you can be assured that your business processes are high performing and always available, allowing your team to focus on the tasks that matter.

24/7/365 Support

Prevent unnecessary downtime from committed proactive teams with effective experts.

  • Architecture Design
  • Full time monitoring and response
  • High availability
  • Root-cause analysis
  • Corrective actions
  • Backups and disaster recovery
  • Capacity planning
  • Proactive health checks

Ongoing Activities

To improve operational performance and efficiency, we continuously optimize your systems.

  • Change requests
  • Upgrades
  • Performance tuning
  • Updates and patching
  • Migrations
  • Server configuration review
  • Security audits

Why Nixsoft?

  • Proactive monitoring and administration of the database
  • Clear visibility, accountability and control of DB’s
  • Increased database availability
  • Quick, efficient and experienced response
  • Improved overall manageability of database infrastructure
  • 24×7 helpdesk support and industry-leading SLAs

Supported Databases

Our teams provide support for the leading traditional and emerging database technologies.

  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • Mongodb
  • Cassandra
  • Hadoop
  • RDS
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