On Demand Services

On Demand Manged IT Support

Free your team with On-Demand Managed IT Services from the required, time-consuming activities, a package that provides you with cost-effective, ready to go technical expertise. Let your team take care of your strategic business plans and we will take care of the rest. When you need it, Nixsoft can provide the help that you required. You will have an access to all of our certified engineering team, so you can get help from for Linux Support, Migration Services, DevOps, Disaster Recovery, Cloud and more. The best part is When you use them, you only pay for the services you consume.

The on-demand IT support option means you have a trusted IT provider that you can call for help whenever you need for any task or in any crisis situation.

Key Features

  • Priority, assurance of 3-hour response time *
  • Low Monthly Management Fee
  • Low Billing Increments
  • On-Demand Access to Certified Engineers
  • No Contract No Lock-In
  • Dedicated Manager

Why Nixsoft On Demand Managed Support?

One of the main reasons our managed services are retained by clients is to fill a gap in their current managed SLA services and/or to complete their expertise. For On-Demand managed services, the company, without recruiting a full-time, committed employee, can get the professional, high-quality service as you need it.

  • Access a team of trained, experienced engineers who will be there as and when required.
  • Predictable rates and stable expenses make ROI cost-effective and perfect for managed services
  • Free your staff so that they can spend more time on projects of higher value
  • Improve safety and comply with enforcement regulations without problems
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